Northwell Health – J.T. Mather Memorial Hospital – Ice Storage

J.T. Mather Memorial Hospital
Project: Ice Storage
Industry: Energy and Sustainability
Working as a consultant to the Trane Corporation, Lizardos reviewed the energy analysis for the installation of an ice storage system at J.T. Mather Hospital in Port Jefferson, NY. The intent of the ice storage system was to use the Hospital’s mechanical refrigeration system to chill a glycol solution overnight, and to utilize the stored glycol solution to generate chilled water to meet the Hospital’s daytime cooling load. By this process the Hospital greatly reduced its daytime peak electrical demand and utilized the lower night-time electrical rates versus the higher daytime rates.
The Lizardos energy review included an analysis of the Hospital’s past electrical utility usage data to determine peak demand related to mechanical refrigeration. Lizardos also estimated the Hospital’s peak and annual cooling load. From the data, Lizardos developed a baseline profile of the Hospital’s cooling load with peak load and annual ton-hours of cooling. From these calculations the savings to be derived from the ice storage system were calculated allowing Trane’s original savings calculations to be verified. The energy analysis also provided the optimal sizing of the storage system and associated tank storage volume, pump and heat exchanger unit sizing.
Lizardos prepared full contract Documents for the installation and provided construction administration assistance and assisted with system start-up and commissioning.