Brookhaven National Laboratory – New Data Center

Brookhaven National Laboratory
Project: New 6600sf Data Center
Industry: Data Center
A new building addition was designed to house a 6600sf data center with space for 136 EIA Racks and an Automated Tape Robot Library and is dedicated to high energy physics research. Cooling is provided by 15 Liebert Computer Room Air Conditioning (CRAC) units distributing air into a raised floor plenum. The CRAC units utilize chilled water from the central chilled water plant. Design included a new 2,000 kVA pad-mounted transformer, 480V distribution panels, power distribution centers, lighting, fire alarm, distribution board, 6-way 15 kV switch, empty conduits for future 2,000 kW emergency generator and two future 1.2 megawatt flywheel UPS units.